11 years, 8 months ago.

How do I add mbed NXP LPC1769 to my devices


I want to know how to add a LPC 1769 to my devices. Do I've to choose LPC 1768? AFAIK the LPC 1768 isn't pin to pin compatible.

Thanks in advance

96MHz :2* 12MHz * 12 / 1 = 288MHz / 3 0x0000B 0x2

100MHz :2* 12MHz * 25 / 2 = 300MHz / 3 0x10018 0x2

120MHz :2* 12MHz * 15 / 1 = 360MHz / 3 0x0000E 0x2

"#define PLL0CFG_Val 0x0000000B"

changed the value to 0x0000E, in system_lpc17xx.c

posted by jerry liu 16 Jan 2019

3 Answers

11 years, 8 months ago.

They should be pin compatible. As far as I know LPC1769 == LPC1768 with higher speed grade. So just compiling for the 1768 should work fine. Do take into account you need to play with clock settings to actually use the higher speed grade.

11 years, 8 months ago.

Thank you Erik.

When I plug the LPCXpresso doesn't add a new drive to my PC. So I can't access to the mbed.htm I've a USB Device with DFU Capabilities by Phillips (NXP) version on the Windows Device Manager.

The LPCXpresso isn't an mbed, so it won't shows as an mbed usb drive and has no mbed.htm file. Also the LPC1769 isn't supported by mbed, however since the code generated is identical you can use mbed code. You need to use the .bin file generated by the mbed compiler via the LPCxpresso toolchain (I don't have it myself so I don't know exactly the required steps).

posted by Erik - 02 May 2013
11 years, 8 months ago.

As Erik says the LPC1769 is not the Mbed but uses the same chip (just a faster clock rated version). The LPCexpresso1769 is pin compatible with the Mbed module, but with extra pins brought out. http://www.embeddedartists.com/sites/default/files/docs/schematics/LPCXpressoLPC1769revB.pdf the last page shows the mbed pin compatibility table , basically the same but the espresso has more pins broken out. Even the ethernet pins are the same , but the PHY on the espresso is different (LAN8720) so you need to modify there driver in the ethernet interface library to use ethernet.

To get the compiler option you will need an Mbed not the expresso, but you can compile for the expresso with the mbed compiler and SDK once you have registered your mbed.

Programming is not as simple as Mbed , mbed is drag and drop like a usb drive , you just compile and drop the binary onto the mbed. For the espresso you compile the same , download the binary , but then you have to use expresso's codered tool to put the binary on the chip via the DFU (LpcLink) built in jtag wiggler. still easy.

I have used the expresso with the mbed compiler myself (I have a number of mbeds and expressos) and can confirm it works fine. Have also used ethernet successfully on expresso using mbed compiler EthernetInterface library with a modified driver