11 years, 9 months ago.

FRDM-KL25Z board commands

Where can I get a explanation of all the commands used for writing a program using the FRDM-KL25Z board? Such as how to use the Serial command, Port, etc...

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2 Answers

11 years, 9 months ago.

This shows all the boards, I was looking for something specific to the FRDM-KL25Z board. After looking through some of this handbook, I dont even understand how to relate DigitalOut (LED1) back to a specific port pin on the baord.

How does LED1 relate to PORT pins?


Accepted Answer

That is because there are no real device specific commands. Sure some boards support stuff that others don't, but your example of Serial, but also SPI, I2C, AnalogIn, PwmOut, etc are all equal between boards (luckily).

Pinnames can be found on the KL25 handbook page: https://mbed.org/handbook/mbed-FRDM-KL25Z. Besides them you got LED_RED, LED_GREEN and LED_BLUE for the onboard leds. They can also be driven by LED1-4, but that is mainly for compatibility with LPC programs. And that is pretty much all that is specific for the KL25.

posted by Erik - 24 Apr 2013

Erik, I figured out that on the sample project that DigitalOUT myled(LED1) was the blue LED on the board. LED2 was the green, LED3 was the red LED. WHERE is this documented specifically for this board?

How do I use the serail commend, etc... Mike

posted by Mike Steffen 24 Apr 2013

I think that specifically can only be found in the KL25 specific source code: http://mbed.org/users/mbed_official/code/mbed-Freescale/, specifically: http://mbed.org/users/mbed_official/code/mbed-Freescale/file/d5f2f3e8f628/capi/KL25Z/PinNames.h.

Regarding the Serial command and others, as I said earlier that isn't specific to the KL25 (only the pin-names you need to use with that, they are shown on the KL25 handbook page). Those libraries are documented in the handbook pages I linked in my first answer. Serial for example: https://mbed.org/handbook/Serial

posted by Erik - 25 Apr 2013
11 years, 9 months ago.

The mbed handbook is a good starting location: https://mbed.org/handbook/Homepage