4 years, 8 months ago.

Understanding the Physical Pins of a PortOut

Hiya Everyone!

I was working on the example of the UniGraphics code while using the ST7565 initialization as parallel 8 bit, but I'm unfortunately new to coding but trying to understand how the PortC identification works?

include the mbed library with this snippet

ST7565 myLCD(PAR_8, PortC, PA_8, PA_9, PB_10, PB_4, PB_5,"myLCD", 128, 64); // Parallel 8bit, Port, CS, reset, A0, WR, RD

Does this mean that when PortC is identified (I am using a STM32-F401RE Nucleo Board), that all of the hardware pins named PC_X are identified?

For my LCD display I have, D0 to D7 and I have connected them directly from PC_0 to PC_7, does that mean I have connected them up correctly?

The link to the code is: https://os.mbed.com/teams/GraphicsDisplay/code/UniGraphic/

Help would be much appreciated.

Best regards


1 Answer

4 years, 8 months ago.

Hi Mohammed,

PortC is defined as an enum and used to enabled GPIO clock and get GPIO base address, please look here.


Regards, Desmond

Accepted Answer

So if it enables the GPIO clock and get the GPIO base address, what makes the code identify the pins PC_0 to PC_7.

I have seen on the protocols file in PAR_8.cpp

code named:

PAR8::PAR8(PortName port, PinName CS, PinName reset, PinName DC, PinName WR, PinName RD)
    : _port(port,0xFF), _CS(CS), _reset(reset), _DC(DC), _WR(WR), _RD(RD)

Is the 0xFF value mean the assignment of the first 8 pins of portC?

If not I may still have not fully understood how programming to physical pins links work.

Best regards


posted by Mohammed Al-Amin 05 Nov 2019

Hello Mo,

The _port data member of PAR8 class is a PortInOut object:


class PAR8 : public Protocols


    PortInOut _port;

The _port data member is initialized in PAR8's constructor by calling PortInOut's constructor with two parameters:

    : _port(port,0xFF),

The first one selects the port to connect to.
The second parameter is a bitmask to identify which bits in the port should be included:

  • 0 - do not include
  • 1 - include
    Hence, passing 0xFF (= 0b11111111) as bitmask will include bit (physically a pin) 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 of the selected port into the _port PortInOut object.
posted by Zoltan Hudak 05 Nov 2019