5 years, 2 months ago.

mbed assertation failed: _ops, file: .. /mbed-os/platform/Callback.h, line 543

I have created a new offline project.

We have created a program where the lora module is sending heartbeats every twice a second. But after some time the device stopped sending heartbeat and the serial console showed Error : "mbed assertation failed: _ops, file: .. /mbed-os/platform/Callback.h, line 543" and now the controller is hanged.

I tried the same code with the online compile and it also failed after some time with the same error: " mbed assertation failed: _ops, file: C:/Jenkins/workspace/mbed-2-build-library/BUILD/mbed/platform/Callback.h, line 543 "

Please guide how to proceed further./media/uploads/amirchaudhary/offline_2.png /media/uploads/amirchaudhary/3.png

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