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5 years, 3 months ago.
USART2 on STM32F429VIT receive problem
Hello. I am using the following code. There are no problems with transmitting characters, but there are no characters at the reception (irq is not called). I send symbols with the help of putty.
#include "mbed.h" DigitalOut led1(PB_8); RawSerial pc(PD_5, PD_6); void callback_ex() { if(pc.readable()) { pc.putc(pc.getc()); led1 = !led1; } } int main() { char start_string[]="\r\nwelcome to debug...\n\r"; pc.attach(&callback_ex,Serial::RxIrq); pc.puts(start_string); while (1) { } }
1 Answer
5 years, 2 months ago.
Hi Mikhail,
I compiled your code and tried it out on NUCLEO_F429ZI and the interrupt handler gets triggered for that board. I'm using Mbed OS version mbed-os-5.14.1.
I added extra print to the interrupt handler to make the debugging easier:
#include "mbed.h" DigitalOut led1(PB_8); RawSerial pc(PD_5, PD_6); void callback_ex() { if(pc.readable()) { pc.putc(pc.getc()); pc.puts(" - received\r\n"); led1 = !led1; } } int main() { char start_string[]="\r\nwelcome to debug...\n\r"; pc.attach(&callback_ex,Serial::RxIrq); pc.puts(start_string); while (1) { } }
My output is:
welcome to debug... j - received k - received s - received d - received j - received k - received g - received f - received d - received g - received j - received f - received k - received - received - received
Could it be some wiring issue?
Best regards,
Jaakko, team Mbed