4 years, 10 months ago.

nRF51-DK bluetooth connection

I am having troubles discovering nRF51-DK on my smartphone using the app nRF connect for mobile. I have followed every steps given but I still cannot discover. Is there anything else I have to do? I followed this guide but it didn't work. Is there anything more I have to do https://www.instructables.com/id/The-First-Usage-of-NRF51-DK/

P.S I am not good in C++ so im guessing something is wrong with the code. I maybe wrong tho.

Question relating to:

The nRF51 Development Kit is a single-board development kit for Bluetooth Smart, ANT and 2.4GHz proprietary applications using the nRF51 Series SoC. This kit supports both development for both nRF51822 …

1 Answer

4 years, 10 months ago.

Hi Valentine,

You can refer to our provide BLE heart rate example here. https://os.mbed.com/teams/Bluetooth-Low-Energy/code/BLE_HeartRate/

Just import it into our online compiler(Don't update libraries), and build it for nRF51DK.

Thanks, Desmond

Accepted Answer

Thank you so much Desmond, I was able to connect to the hardware via my phone's Bluetooth as a heart rate sensor :)

posted by Valentine Idi 29 Aug 2019