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5 years, 6 months ago.
Red LED is always on.
when i using a MCU contect to the IHM02A1 the Red Led is always on. I think there is maybe a fail condition, but i do not know how to fix this problem.
The status return value is 7c03 at the very beginning, after reseting device, the status retval is 7e03.. i think maybe the fail condition is caused by OCD, so i have disable the overcurrent dection in CONFIG, and set the OCD_TH to be 0x0f, but it dose not work.
P.S. i can GetParam and SetParam correctly, and Run and Move. But when moving, the ABS_POS register value is always is zero. Although the STEP_MODE register value has been changed, it does not change during running.
by the way. i connected the IHM02A1 to MCU as follow.
IOREF(CN6), NRST(CN6), +5V(CN6), VIN(CN6), AVDD(CN5) -----5v
+3.3V (CN6)----- 3.3V
nCS(CN8), SDO(CN5), SDI(CN5),sck(CN9) ----- SPI interface
nRST(CN9) ----- a GPIO
all ground pins ----- GNDs
Thanks in advance.