5 years, 4 months ago.

How to control a third motor on a second IHM02A1 dual stepper motor driver shield?

I moved the zero-ohm from SB23 on the second shield, and soldered it to SB7: https://www.st.com/content/ccc/resource/technical/document/user_manual/group0/9c/49/e6/da/a3/75/48/b9/DM00237629/files/DM00237629.pdf/jcr:content/translations/en.DM00237629.pdf#page=11

I even changed both IHM02A1 shield's SB23 around:

 //   x_nucleo_ihm02a1one = new XNucleoIHM02A1(&init[0], &init[1], A4, A5, D4, A2, &dev_spi);   // SB23
    x_nucleo_ihm02a1two = new XNucleoIHM02A1(&init[0], &init[1], A4, A5, D4, D2, &dev_spi);   // SB7
    x_nucleo_ihm02a1one = new XNucleoIHM02A1(&init[0], &init[1], A4, A5, D4, D10, &dev_spi); // SB8

I want three motors to be independently controlled. Each shield runs two motors independently. Although, when the code is edited above, only the first instance runs.

Is this just unresolvable, and single stepper motor drivers (IHM01A1s) should replace the poorly designed dual stepper motor drivers or the program should be fixed? Or is something wrong with the code:

#include "mbed.h"
#include "DevSPI.h"
#include "XNucleoIHM02A1.h"

#define L6470_L1M1 (0u) // Index of shield1 motor1
#define L6470_L1M2 (1u) // Index of shield1 motor2

// #define L6470_L2M1 (0u) // Index of shield2 motor1 (non-existant)
#define L6470_L2M2 (1u) // Index of shield2 motor2

#define MPR_1 4

#define STEPS_1 (200 * 128)
#define STEPS_2 (STEPS_1 * 2)

#define DELAY_1 1000
#define DELAY_2 2000
#define DELAY_3 5000

L6470 **motors1stLevel; // double pointer, to L6470 (chip) class
L6470 **motors2ndLevel;

XNucleoIHM02A1 *x_nucleo_ihm02a1one; // pointer to function
XNucleoIHM02A1 *x_nucleo_ihm02a1two;

int positionL1M1, positionL1M2, positionL2M1, positionL2M2 = -1;

L6470_init_t init[L6470DAISYCHAINSIZE] = {
    /* First Motor. */
        24.0,                          /* Motor supply voltage in V. */
        200,                           /* Min number of steps per revolution for the motor. */
        1.7,                           /* Max motor phase voltage in A. */
        3.06,                          /* Max motor phase voltage in V. */
        300.0,                         /* Motor initial speed [step/s]. */
        500.0,                         /* Motor acceleration [step/s^2] (comment for infinite acceleration mode). */
        500.0,                         /* Motor deceleration [step/s^2] (comment for infinite deceleration mode). */
        992.0,                         /* Motor maximum speed [step/s]. */
        0.0,                           /* Motor minimum speed [step/s]. */
        602.7,                         /* Motor full-step speed threshold [step/s]. */
        3.06,                          /* Holding kval [V]. */
        3.06,                          /* Constant speed kval [V]. */
        3.06,                          /* Acceleration starting kval [V]. */
        3.06,                          /* Deceleration starting kval [V]. */
        61.52,                         /* Intersect speed for bemf compensation curve slope changing [step/s]. */
        392.1569e-6,                   /* Start slope [s/step]. */
        643.1372e-6,                   /* Acceleration final slope [s/step]. */
        643.1372e-6,                   /* Deceleration final slope [s/step]. */
        0,                             /* Thermal compensation factor (range [0, 15]). */
        3.06 * 1000 * 1.10,            /* Ocd threshold [ma] (range [375 ma, 6000 ma]). */
        3.06 * 1000 * 1.00,            /* Stall threshold [ma] (range [31.25 ma, 4000 ma]). */        
        StepperMotor::STEP_MODE_1_128, /* Step mode selection. */
        0xFF,                          /* Alarm conditions enable. */
        0x2E88                         /* Ic configuration. */

    /* Second Motor. */
        24.0,                           /* Motor supply voltage in V. */
        200,                           /* Min number of steps per revolution for the motor. */
        1.7,                           /* Max motor phase voltage in A. */
        3.06,                          /* Max motor phase voltage in V. */
        300.0,                         /* Motor initial speed [step/s]. */
        500.0,                         /* Motor acceleration [step/s^2] (comment for infinite acceleration mode). */
        500.0,                         /* Motor deceleration [step/s^2] (comment for infinite deceleration mode). */
        992.0,                         /* Motor maximum speed [step/s]. */
        0.0,                           /* Motor minimum speed [step/s]. */
        602.7,                         /* Motor full-step speed threshold [step/s]. */
        3.06,                          /* Holding kval [V]. */
        3.06,                          /* Constant speed kval [V]. */
        3.06,                          /* Acceleration starting kval [V]. */
        3.06,                          /* Deceleration starting kval [V]. */
        61.52,                         /* Intersect speed for bemf compensation curve slope changing [step/s]. */
        392.1569e-6,                   /* Start slope [s/step]. */
        643.1372e-6,                   /* Acceleration final slope [s/step]. */
        643.1372e-6,                   /* Deceleration final slope [s/step]. */
        0,                             /* Thermal compensation factor (range [0, 15]). */
        3.06 * 1000 * 1.10,            /* Ocd threshold [ma] (range [375 ma, 6000 ma]). */
        3.06 * 1000 * 1.00,            /* Stall threshold [ma] (range [31.25 ma, 4000 ma]). */        
        StepperMotor::STEP_MODE_1_128, /* Step mode selection. */
        0xFF,                          /* Alarm conditions enable. */
        0x2E88                         /* Ic configuration. */

void startup();
void forward();
// void allTogether();

int main()
    /* Initializing SPI bus. */
#ifdef TARGET_STM32F429
    DevSPI dev_spi(D11, D12, D13);
    DevSPI dev_spi(D11, D12, D13);

    /* Initializing Motor Control Expansion Board. */
    x_nucleo_ihm02a1one = new XNucleoIHM02A1(&init[0], &init[1], A4, A5, D4, A2, &dev_spi);
    // x_nucleo_ihm02a1two = new XNucleoIHM02A1(&init[0], &init[1], A0, A1, D1, D2, &dev_spi);  
    x_nucleo_ihm02a1two = new XNucleoIHM02A1(&init[0], &init[1], A4, A5, D4, D2, &dev_spi);

  //										Only first instance works. 
  //										Second instance never works in conjunction (unless the first is commented out).

    /* Building a list of motor control components. */
    motors1stLevel = x_nucleo_ihm02a1one->get_components();
    motors2ndLevel = x_nucleo_ihm02a1two->get_components();

    // startup();

//    allTogether();

    /*----- Functions -----*/ /*----- -----*/ 

void startup()
    /*----- Initialization. -----*/
    // motors2ndLevel[L6470_L2M1]->set_home(); 						// There is no L2M1


    positionL1M1 = motors1stLevel[L6470_L1M1]->get_position();
    positionL1M2 = motors1stLevel[L6470_L1M2]->get_position();
    // positionL2M1 = motors2ndLevel[L6470_L2M1]->get_position();	// There is no L2M1
    positionL2M2 = motors2ndLevel[L6470_L2M2]->get_position();

void forward()
        motors1stLevel[L6470_L1M1]->move(StepperMotor::FWD, STEPS_1);
        motors1stLevel[L6470_L1M2]->move(StepperMotor::FWD, STEPS_1);
        motors2ndLevel[L6470_L2M2]->move(StepperMotor::FWD, STEPS_1);	// There is no L2M1
        motors2ndLevel[L6470_L2M2]->move(StepperMotor::FWD, STEPS_1);
void allTogether()// right now. Over me. bum bum, batta bumm...He bad production He got walrus gumboot He got Ono sideboard He one spinal cracker He got feet down below his kneeieeieesss
//    for (int m = 0; m < L6470DAISYCHAINSIZE; m++) 
//        motors[m]->prepare_run(StepperMotor::BWD, 400);
//    x_nucleo_ihm02a1->perform_prepared_actions();
//    wait_ms(DELAY_3);

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