4 years, 11 months ago.

IAR 8.32 Error[Li009]: runtime model conflict


Can you help with advice?

I`m export project "mbed-os-example-mesh-minimal" to IAR 8.32 and in linking get an error:

Error[Li009]: runtime model conflict: Module cmain_call_ctors.o(rt7M_tl.a) specifies that 'dlib_dynamic_initialization' must be 'normal', but module dynamic_init.o(rt7M_tl.a) has the value 'postponed'

Used board: NUCLEO-L152RE.

This mistake put me in a stupor, the search on the Internet did not give anything. What could be the reason for this error?

1 Answer

4 years, 11 months ago.


Unfortunately I can't help with the linker problem but I tried to reproduce the problem using the following steps

  • git clone git@github.com:ARMmbed/mbed-os-example-mesh-minimal.git
  • cd mbed-os-example-mesh-minimal
  • mbed deploy
  • mbed export -i IAR -m NUCLEO_L152RE
  • Added project to IAR Workbench 8.32.3
  • F7 to make

I was not able to see linker error, the output was like:

"Total number of errors: 0 Total number of warnings: 104 "

Best Regards,


Accepted Answer