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5 years, 9 months ago.
Help me recover my device
I am using a LPC1769.
I added the statement in my code PWM1 = new FastPWM( NC);
compiled, Flashed device.
Now my Device is bricked and it outputs on the serial port: "mbed assertation failed: pwm != (PWMName)NC, file: C:\Jenkins\workspace\mbed-2-build-library\targets\TARGET_NXP\TARGET_LPC176X\pwmout_api.c, line 60"
Full Erase of Device from Flash Magic doesn't help either. How do I recover my Device?
Pramod Joglekar
Hello Pramod,
What a shame! That should not happen.
- Does the
- Was the
posted by Zoltan Hudak 29 May 2019Full Erase
work? I mean, Is the entire flash memory empty when you check it with Flash MagicISP->Display Memory ..."
function?Protect ISP Code
option ticked (available viaOptions->Advanced Options->Security
) when you flashed the chip?Hello Zoltan, Thanks for your prompt response. It was my fault that there was another FastPWM statment I had missed which led to my panic. Thanks all the same and keep up the great work, I too follow you :)
posted by Pramod Joglekar 02 Jun 2019