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5 years, 10 months ago.
mbedflash vs mbedflsh
Hi, I'm trying to flash mbed boards on a remote machine using the mbed-cli. There is 2 python scripts for flashing boards.
/c/Program Files/Python37/Scripts/mbedflash /c/Program Files/Python37/Scripts/mbedflsh
While both of these work on my system, the first - mbedflash, generates errors (though is still flashes the target - but it takes a while and pollutes my run-scripts)
my command to flash target (STM32F746 DISCO)
mbedflash flash -i c:\{mypath}BUILD\mbed-os.bin tid {my-ID}
Returns the following - and takes over a minute to do so. [ERROR](mbed-flasher): {my-ID} file still present in mount point [ERROR](mbed-flasher): Failed: File still present in mount point
I'm currently working with the STM32F469NI discovery boards - these work for both flash commands, but when i target STM32F746DISCO i get the errors seen above.
Is there a better way to flash the boards, and can anyone suggest why the mbedflsh script works but not mbedflash?