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5 years, 8 months ago. This question has been closed. Reason: Too broad - no single answer
How to use the Queue API?
I haven't worked much with type T before, and us such I don't understand what it is asking for when initialising the queue.
I want to make a queue of chars only.
I tried to do this in the following way:
Queue API
template <class cChar> Queue<cChar,62> myQ;
But I got the following error:
"myQ" is not a function or static data member
I want to implement the same functionality as std::queue, where it is a queue of chars. I guess the example doesn't really help me, because I don't understand message_t at all unless it is the memory pool example, where I somewhat understand how message_t is made with a struct. I still feel mostly at loss with the pointers going around.
I'm working in the online compiler.
How would I implement a queue of chars?