11 years, 9 months ago.

FlashMagic & LPC1768

Hi, Just reached the final step on my first prototipe board (based on lpc1768) and before going anywhere else, i have been looking to how to program the lpc witht he code generated with the mbed compiler. I´ve seen the guide posted on this web (prototype to hardware) but also i have been reading the manual of the flashmagic and looked some videos on youtube. In both cases, there isn´t any interface between the pc and the lpc, just ICP using UART0. Is this correct? i need only serial port&cable and put the pin header on the UART0?


1 Answer

11 years, 9 months ago.

Yes that is correct. You do however need to have the ISP pin available (with a button for example). You reset the LPC1768, while the ISP pin is hold low/high (dunno which one). Then the LPC1768 enters a bootloader mode which accepts new programs via UART0.

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