5 years, 9 months ago.

Issues of mbed-http library with Google Firebase

I am working on an IoT project using DISCO-L475VG-IOT01A and Google Firebase. I have found several issues while working on Firebase's REST API as follows.

  1. Example code refers to non-existing code in http_response.h file.
  • no get_error() method in HttpResponse class definition
  • get_body() will return character pointer which can not be used as a String object.

Copied from mbed-http website

// if response is NULL, check response->get_error()
printf("status is %d - %s\n", response->get_status_code(), response->get_status_message());
printf("body is:\n%s\n", response->get_body().c_str());
  1. No PUT and PATCH method in http_parser.c file. These methods are used for referencing an absolute path in Realtime Database.

case 'P': parser->method = HTTP_POST; /* or PROPFIND|PROPPATCH|PUT|PATCH|PURGE */

  1. HttpResponse get_body() and get_body_as_string().c_str() get different result get_body_as_string() method will return the expected body string. But get_body() method will return the expected string + "quic0" attached.
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