5 years, 6 months ago.

Conpiler says "Warning: Unknown action post-build". What is it?

I think the compiler changed 2019Mar27.

This error did not happen yesterday. To make sure that the problem is not due to a recent edit, I used the compiler on old code that was error-free. Old error-free code produces the same message. Target CPU is mbed LPC1768.

3 Answers

5 years, 3 months ago.

This issue is still not resolved. I just started a new project and used the blinky template. I didn't add a single think to the code and I got the same warning message.

5 years, 6 months ago.

Hi Dan,

This is a benign byproduct of the tools upgrade which took place today. We think it's safe to ignore the message and the resulting output file should execute okay. Thank you for reporting the issue. We will get it fixed.


Ralph, Team Mbed

This issue is still not resolved. I just started a new project and used the blinky template. I didn't add a single think to the code and I got the same warning message.

posted by Mity Eltu 11 Jun 2019
4 years, 11 months ago.

I tried to update+compile a project which was written for mbed-os 5.10 and ended up with the same issue - is this still not fixed ?