5 years, 6 months ago.

BLE_SM example Issues

Hello Everyone, I was trying out the BLE_SM example in mbed-os-example-ble repo but i am facing some issues with that example. I am using CY8C_PROTO _4343W along with a third party analyzing device as central to connect from. What i am observing is that i am able to pair and bond but the identity resolution IRK of my mbed Device is shown as 0 i.e all 16 bytes as zero due to which when i connect again the address resolution fails and a new bond data is generated instead. Any help on this will be appreciated. I am attaching the image from both of my devices to highlight the point. /media/uploads/AmalMishra/ble_sm.png /media/uploads/AmalMishra/ble_sm_1.png

Another thing i wanted to point out is that the example says the mbed device will act as central first and then peripheral but in reality it acts as peripheral first and then central. Please fix this in readme.

Thanks, Amal

1 Answer

5 years, 5 months ago.

Hi Amal,

Some of the answers are already in this post,


IRK is all zero doesn't cause this error, it's just not able to use RPA for advertising. This failure is being tracked in this issue https://github.com/ARMmbed/mbed-os/issues/10195.


Desmond, team Mbed

And the README.md issue can be tracked here.


Thanks for reporting this !

posted by Desmond Chen 28 Mar 2019