5 years, 11 months ago.

Fanstel BT840 programming

Hi, currently, I am trying to migrate from Redbear Blenano2(NRF52832) to Fanstel Bt840(NRF52840). I am able to compile a program (using platformio&MBED) and upload it to the board, but it does nothing. I tried debugging it, and it seems to hang on

Wait for the external oscillator to start up. while (NRF_CLOCK->EVENTS_LFCLKSTARTED == 0) { Do nothing. }

If I upload it to my NRF52840_DK, everything works as expected. the target I am using is the nrf52840_dk, but it should work with every 840 processor, am I right?

any Ideas on why it hangs there?

EDIT: I just found out the fanstel chip does not have the LFCLOCK crystal on board, I think thats the issue.

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