5 years, 8 months ago.

post a response on my rest server via a switch


I want to connect a switch to the my LPC1768 and when I press this switch , I will send a response to my rest server after getting the request.

I'm using interrupts but when I press the switch I got this error:

++ MbedOS Error Info ++ Error Status: 0x80020115 Code: 277 Module: 2 Error Message: Mutex lock failed Location: 0x1280F Error Value: 0xFFFFFFFA Current Thread: rtx_idle Id: 0x1000037C Entry: 0x14ABB StackSize: 0x200 StackMem: 0x10000408 SP: 0x10007EE8 For more info, visit: https://armmbed.github.io/mbedos-error/?error=0x80020115 MbedOS Error Info

My program as follow :

  1. include "select-demo.h"
  1. if DEMO == DEMO_HTTP
  1. include "mbed.h"
  2. include "http_request.h"
  3. include "network-helper.h"
  4. include "mbed_mem_trace.h"

DigitalOut myled(LED1); InterruptIn pb(p8);

void dump_response(HttpResponse* res) { printf("Status: %d - %s\n", res->get_status_code(), res->get_status_message().c_str());

printf("Headers:\n"); for (size_t ix = 0; ix < res->get_headers_length(); ix++) { printf("\t%s: %s\n", res->get_headers_fields()[ix]->c_str(), res->get_headers_values()[ix]->c_str()); } printf("\nBody (%d bytes):\n\n%s\n", res->get_body_length(), res->get_body_as_string().c_str()); }

void pb_hit_interrupt (NetworkInterface* network) { POST request to httpbin.org

HttpRequest* post_req = new HttpRequest(network, HTTP_POST, ""); post_req->set_header("Content-Type", "application/json");

const char body[] = "{\"hello\":\"world\"}";

HttpResponse* post_res;

post_res = post_req->send(body, strlen(body));

if (!post_res) { printf("HttpRequest failed (error code %d)\n", post_req->get_error()); return 1; }

printf("\n- HTTP POST response -\n"); dump_response(post_res);

delete post_req; }

int main() {


char buf[10]; Connect to the network with the default networking interface if you use WiFi: see mbed_app.json for the credentials NetworkInterface* network = connect_to_default_network_interface(); if (!network) { printf("Cannot connect to the network, see serial output\n"); return 1;


pb.fall(&pb_hit_interrupt, network);

reafing the switch

button_state = pb.read(); button_state = !button_state;

printf("button state: %d\n", button_state); myled = button_state;

sprintf(buf, "%d", button_state);

Do a GET request to httpbin.org { By default the body is automatically parsed and stored in a buffer, this is memory heavy. To receive chunked response, pass in a callback as last parameter to the constructor. HttpRequest* get_req = new HttpRequest(network, HTTP_GET, "");

HttpResponse* get_res = get_req->send(); if (!get_res) { printf("HttpRequest failed (error code %d)\n", get_req->get_error()); return 1; }

printf("\n- HTTP GET response -\n"); dump_response(get_res);

delete get_req; }

wait(osWaitForever); }

  1. endif

Please help.

Thank you in advance


Please, I need your help as soon as possible. Really I will be appreciated.

posted by Nada Ali 19 Mar 2019
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