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6 years ago.
Why does ssl_server.c go to exit instead of reset if mbedtls_net_accept fails?
An example program using mbedTLS can be found in the official repository, here:
I am confused about why the program goes to "exit" instead of "reset" if `mbedtls_net_accept` fails.
Here are 2 snippets of the code. The first snippet is code from right after the reset goto point.
code around reset goto statement
reset: #ifdef MBEDTLS_ERROR_C if( ret != 0 ) { char error_buf[100]; mbedtls_strerror( ret, error_buf, 100 ); mbedtls_printf("Last error was: %d - %s\n\n", ret, error_buf ); } #endif mbedtls_net_free( &client_fd ); mbedtls_ssl_session_reset( &ssl ); /* * 3. Wait until a client connects */ mbedtls_printf( " . Waiting for a remote connection ..." ); fflush( stdout ); if( ( ret = mbedtls_net_accept( &listen_fd, &client_fd, NULL, 0, NULL ) ) != 0 ) { mbedtls_printf( " failed\n ! mbedtls_net_accept returned %d\n\n", ret ); goto exit; } mbedtls_ssl_set_bio( &ssl, &client_fd, mbedtls_net_send, mbedtls_net_recv, NULL ); mbedtls_printf( " ok\n" ); /* * 5. Handshake */ //Code continues on...
The second snippet is the code right after the exit goto point.
code after exit goto point
exit: mbedtls_printf("Exiting..."); #ifdef MBEDTLS_ERROR_C if (ret != 0) { char error_buf[100]; mbedtls_strerror(ret, error_buf, 100); mbedtls_printf("Last error was: %d - %s\n\n", ret, error_buf); } #endif mbedtls_net_free_ocall(&client_fd); mbedtls_net_free_ocall(&listen_fd); mbedtls_x509_crt_free(&srvcert); mbedtls_pk_free(&pkey); mbedtls_ssl_free(&ssl); mbedtls_ssl_config_free(&conf); mbedtls_ctr_drbg_free(&ctr_drbg); mbedtls_entropy_free(&entropy); return (ret); }