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6 years, 1 month ago.
callback declared deprecated
My code looks like:
callback stuff
Serial pc(PA_2, PA_3,115200); DigitalOut led2(PA_5); event_callback_t serial_callback_RX; uint16_t out_buff[12]; void serial_callback_handler_RX(int event){ if(event & SERIAL_EVENT_TX_COMPLETE){ led2.write(1); } else{ led2.write(0); } } void init_serial(){ serial_callback_RX.attach(serial_callback_handler_RX); }
serial stuff
I get the warning : Warning: Function "mbed::Callback<R (A0)>::attach(R (*)(A0)) [with R=void, A0=int]" (declared at line 918 of "/extras/mbed/platform/Callback.h") was declared "deprecated" in "main.cpp", Line: 26, Col: 25 for the serial_callback_RX.attach(serial_callback_handler_RX); line
Also I get the error Error: No instance of overloaded function "mbed::Serial::write" matches the argument list in "main.cpp", Line: 60, Col: 13 , for the pc.write(out_buff,12,&serial_callback_RX,SERIAL_EVENT_RX_COMPLETE);
More on the serial.write method I get the ERROR Error: No instance of overloaded function "mbed::Serial::write" matches the argument list in "main.cpp", Line: 60, Col: 13 if I omit the event argument but that could because of the previous warning?
Please let me know if someone knows what is going on. How could the first warning be resolved?