5 years, 8 months ago.

QSPI not found

I'm trying to instantiate the QSPI object as described in the API. I import the mbed-os and see the QSPI.h and QSPI.cpp files on the github page: https://github.com/ARMmbed/mbed-os/

I see no mention of the QSPI class in the class document list that appears after importing. Not really sure what I'm doing wrong... seems like the QSPI is well-documented and part of the mbed-os code.

I'm using a MAX32630FTHR which appears to have Quad SPI support.

Any hints?


Hi Marc,

This same issue has been reported on GitHub. Please track the progress here:


Ralph, Team Mbed

posted by Ralph Fulchiero 02 Nov 2018

Thanks Ralph, it may be that Maxim has to provide code.

posted by Marc Murphy 02 Nov 2018
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