6 years, 4 months ago.

Building mbed cloud client for freeRTOS

I am new to MBed ecosystem and I am working on porting Mbed cloud client to our FreeRTOS based platform. As a first step, I am trying to build mbed-cloud-client-example for FreeRTOS platform. I am following instructions from the below page https://cloud.mbed.com/docs/current/porting/building-device-management-client-for-non-mbed-os-operating-systems.html

The deployment fails when trying to clone a FreeRTOS port repository git@github.com:ARMmbed/Example-PAL-Port-using-FreeRTOS.git at PAL-RR.1.2.5-RC2


  1. How do I solve the above issue?
  2. Apart from the page I listed above, is there a different guide to build mbed cloud client for FreeRTOS ?
  3. Can Mbed cloud client for FreeRTOS be built on Windows? An older version of the document (see below link) suggests that it is supported only on Linux https://cloud.mbed.com/docs/v1.2/connecting/tutorial-connect-freertos.html
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