11 years, 10 months ago.

right chip to use for


I am designing an Automated door operator. I would need a sensor( to detect the movement) ,a motor (so far i have planned to use a bipolar stepper motor) and a processing unit to run the same. i am looking for a processor which has an ATD converter and a PWM Output to run the stepper motor .... Can anyone suggest me the right processor i can use ?

Thanks In advances

1 Answer

11 years, 10 months ago.

My knowledge of boards is limited! However the following may be of help: 1. MBED kit is a CORTEX processor based board, this can be used for application if you want to use existing APIs. 2. Otherwise you can go for any 8-bit microcontrollers! Some of them come with both the options you want! Here you have both options (more work) work in assembly or in C

Regards, manants

Accepted Answer

Thanks for your response Manas Savkoor.

posted by sachin eswar 14 Apr 2013