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6 years, 5 months ago.
MBED IDE along with non-MBED board ???
Hi everybody! I´m planning to build my own LPC1768/69 board and prepare its HW according to let it able to talk to MBED IDE. But ... will MBED IDE work with such board? Or MBED IDE just works with MBED boards? If don´t, what about the "primary FIRMWARE"? I mean: how "to prepare" a non-MBED board, in terms of FW, to properly "talks to" MBED IDE ? Thanx in advance!
1 Answer
6 years, 4 months ago.
The mbed board is just the microcontroller with a DAP link chip on it. If you want to trick the compiler into thinking that you are using a real mbed board, you can buy an external dap link chip and use it to push the code. When you plug in the DIPDAP it shows up as a USB drive, just like normal mbed boards. Then you drag the code over. You just need the MCU's 2 SWDIO and SWCLK pins that the ARM programmer requires.
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