5 years, 11 months ago.

Help in setting up a custom project


I am working on a project involving a custom board with STM32F373rxt.

The code is (partly) written for an evaluation board, it works fine, but transfering it on the custom board won't work. Not even a simple "blinking LED" example would work.

I understand that I should define a new target on the mbed compiler, but well... I failed doing it, and there's not much documentation over there to help. It's more like "find a board using similar chip, copy the folder and update target.json"... alas, there isn't similar chips apparently.

Is there people out there who can help me setting up the mbed compiler for this custom target ?

We are ready to pay for time and work as this is quite blocking the whole project.

1 Answer

5 years, 11 months ago.

Hi Frederic,

Could you please double-check that part number? We don't see an "RXT" variant of the STM32F373 on the ST website.

In terms of similar chips we have support for several STMF3 variants:

  • F302x8, F303x8, F303xC, F303xE and F334x8

You should try to match your device to the closest supported device with respect to number of pins, flash/RAM size and peripheral mix. We notice that some F373 parts only have 16KB of RAM. That might restrict you to using Mbed OS2 (as is the case with the Nucleo-F302R8).

ST does a good job of monitoring our GitHub issues page, so if you find yourself stuck again, please post an issue here and we will tag it with the "ST" label:

ST is likely better suited to help you in this situation as we don't have any experience with this device.


Ralph, Team Mbed

Accepted Answer


and thank you very much for your reply.

On the schematics, it is labelled STM32F373Rxt I looked on the physical board itself, this is hard to read, but I believe what is written on the chip is:

ARM(b) STM32F373 RCT6 GH215 9U CHN GQ 725

This is a 64 pin chip, supposedly with 32K ram and 256K flash, so should be OK.

I will try posting on the Github pages.

posted by Frederic Cloth 23 Oct 2018