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6 years, 2 months ago.
Docs › Tutorials › Debugging › Eclipse failure
I followed the instructions in but when I get the error
make[1]: arm-none-eabi-g++: No such file or directory
then try to run "which arm-none-eabi-g++" to find the path, there is no response to the command. (This is for Mac)
...perhaps because the instructions page for Eclipse doesn't include the instructions/link to set up the local debug toolchain (
posted by Peter Miller 25 Sep 2018Additionally, the instructions page for using Visual Studio Code is outdated. The "launch.json" file shown in the image is now at the top level of the project folder, and .vscode/launch.json contains a "program" item which needs to be added; I don't know what I'm supposed to put in that field.
Desperately trying to get one of these debuggers working.
posted by Peter Miller 25 Sep 2018Failing to get the debugger from Visual Studio Code to work, I at least installed pyOCD, however, adding the path to arm-none-eabi-g++ to Eclipse has not solved the error listed above.
posted by Peter Miller 25 Sep 2018