11 years, 8 months ago.

how to use D+ and D- (USB) as serial Rx and Tx

I found a wired fact that all my serial ports of mbed board are not working!!!!... I guess this happened due to my own fault. I tried to connect to Max232 IC with out taking the ground pin (For common ground) of mbed. So i have only one go i.e to use USB pins 31 and 32 as serial ports for wireless transmission. Can anyone help me out??? How to use this two pins???

2 Answers

11 years, 8 months ago.

You cannot, they are for USB.

However connecting a Max232 without ground shouldn't damage the mbed in any way. You did connect the correct side of the max232? Did you try something simple like using one of the Rx/Tx pins as digital input, put their value on one of the leds, and then connecting them either to ground or Vdd? Then you can at least check if they can still read.

11 years, 8 months ago.

Thanks for your reply Mr. Erik Olieman. Actually i tried with Xigbee by directly connecting to it and i tried all the 3 UART pins. Its not working. Anyway i will try out your method also.