6 years, 3 months ago.

Using mbed online compiler with STM32F373RXT chip


I would like to compile an mbed.os software for a custom board using STM32F373RXT chip.

1) Can I use the online compiler for this ?

2) If the online compiler solution is fine, I understand I am supposed to select an evaluation board with a similar chip, but the list of boards provided doesn't mention what chip they use (you have to go to each individual board description to get a clue and then to the specs of the chip to compare... and there are an awfull lot of them). I am inexperienced. Can you tell me what board I should select ?

3) Last but not least, as this is a custom board, I use an ST-Link V2 device to flash the software. is there a way that printf() send string to that device ? St link is connected to SWCLK -> PA14 (pin 49) SWDIO -> PA13 (pin 46) RST -> RST (pin 7)

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