5 years, 11 months ago.

What is the maximum no of threads we can create in mbed os RTOS for NUC 472?

I have ctreated the 10 threads & assign different functions to them. But i have problem with scheduling. So i want to know, 1)What is the maximum no of threads we can create in mbed os RTOS for NUC 472? 2)What is the maximum no of threads that can run scheduler simultaneously?

1 Answer

5 years, 11 months ago.

Hi Ajay,

The maximum number of thread you are able to create is depended on how big your stack size is. Therefore, to answer your first question, the maximum no of threads is depended on the target. If you created too many threads, then you might have a stack overflow. There is not a limit on the maximum of threads that the scheduler can run simultaneously. The scheduler will just do a round robin on all the thread created.

Please let me know if you have any questions!

- Peter, team Mbed

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Accepted Answer

Thanks Peter Nguyen Sir.

posted by Ajay Bhosale 23 May 2019