5 years, 11 months ago.

Can I use easy connect library with the Roving Network XV Wifi module?

I am trying to create a mqtt connection over WIFI using the mbed LPC 1768 dev board and the Roving Networks RN-XV wifi module. I can create a mqtt connection over ethernet using the HelloMQTT example. I have also created a wifi connect using the WiflyInterface. I would like to be able to create the wifi connection using the easy-connect library or to make the WiflyInterface implement the NetworkInterface.

The current issue is that I cant add WiflyInterface to the mbed-os with getting a Socket redeclaration error.

Error: Invalid redeclaration of type name "Socket" (declared at <a href="#" onmousedown="mbed_doc_goto('/mqtt-wifiyextras/mbed-os/mbed-os.lib/features/net/network-socket/Socket.h', '28'); return false;">/extras/mbed-os/mbed-os.lib/features/net/network-socket/Socket.h:28</a>) in "WiflyInterface/Socket/Socket.h", Line: 25, Col: 8

1 Answer

5 years, 11 months ago.

Hi Christopher,

Can you try these steps?

  • Right click on the program "HelloMQTT" and click "Update all"
  • Right click on the mbed-os library and click "Update"

I was able to compile the HelloMQTT program with the imported WiflyInterface library this way. Hope this helps!

-Karen, team Mbed

If this solved your question, please make sure to click the "Thanks" link below!

Hi Karen,

Thank you for the reply, I have update the libraries but I seem to have hit another issue at the moment:

Error: Symbol user_perthread_libspace multiply defined (by /build/mbed-os.lib/rtos/TARGET_CORTEX/rtx5/RTX/Source/rtx_lib.LPC1768.o and /build/mbed-os.lib/rtos/TARGET_CORTEX/mbed_boot.LPC1768.o).

The mbed-os version is 4.9.4 and the mqtt libs are all the latest also.

Any Suggestions?


posted by Christopher Donovan 01 Aug 2018

Hi Chris,

Inside the online compiler:

Under the Compile button, navigate to Compile Macros and add _RTE_ in the text box. Then try recompiling.

This has been a bug in mbed 5.9.3 but will be fixed in the 5.9.4 release. Let us know if it works out!

-Karen, team Mbed

posted by Karen Yen 01 Aug 2018

Hello Again,

That work I was able to build the updated libraries, but I am still getting the redeclaration when I add the wifly interface libs.

Is the issue that the WiFly lib was built for mbed-os 2:

"Adding new connectivity methods to the program is trivial, as long as they implement the mbed OS 5 NetworkStack API."

I'm using the Roving Networks RN-XV wifi module, is there another to implement the wifi network without the WiFly library?



posted by Christopher Donovan 01 Aug 2018