6 years ago.

offline API document

How can I download a offline API document. Sometimes , I have to work without Internet.

1 Answer

6 years ago.

Hi there,

All of our documentation on os.mbed.com/docs are available to clone for offline use from GitHub here: https://github.com/ARMmbed/mbed-os-5-docs/

Specifically the API docs are located here: https://github.com/ARMmbed/mbed-os-5-docs/tree/development/docs/reference/api

If you have Doxygen installed on your computer, you can also generate your own offline HTML documentation files for the Mbed OS files. You can download Doxygen here: http://www.stack.nl/~dimitri/doxygen/download.html

For example, if I want to create an offline documentation site for the Mbed OS drivers, I would do the following in my command line:

cd <your Mbed OS project name>
cd mbed-os
// Copy the "doxyfile_options" file from this folder (/mbed-os)
cd drivers
// Paste doxyfile_options file into the drivers folder
mkdir BUILD // create a new folder called "BUILD"
doxygen doxyfile_options

You can now view the offline HTML files for the Mbed OS driver API documentation in the <your project>/mbed-os/drivers/BUILD/html folder. Click on the index.html file to view the generated documentation homepage.

Please let me know if you have any questions!

- Jenny, team Mbed

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Accepted Answer

Thanks for your reply.

posted by shang dong 19 Jul 2018