6 years, 5 months ago.

RTC Alarm sample code for NUCLEO STM32F104RE

Is there any sample code for alarm setting or perform task like buzzer playing, etc. ?

1 Answer

6 years, 5 months ago.

If you enable tickless mode in Mbed OS 5.9, and then call Thread::wait it will put the device to sleep automatically and wake it up when it needs to; no need to set RTC alarm yourself.

If you really want the RTC Alarm, see https://github.com/janjongboom/stm32-standby-rtc-wakeup (but note that if you don't put the MCU in standby mode it'll wake up every millisecond for SysTicks).

But this not what I want. I want an RTC interrupt every day at 12:00 AM [like alarm ]and play some buzzer along with. Is it possible with rtc-wakeup? I have been using multiple ticker in program.!!!

posted by sandeep rai 17 Jul 2018