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6 years, 5 months ago.
HELLO MQTT on C030 N211
Trying to run on this platform with this enabeled:
#include "UbloxATCellularInterfaceN2xx.h" UbloxATCellularInterfaceN2xx cellular;
Result I get is:
HelloMQTT: version is 0.60 [EasyConnect] IPv4 mode [EasyConnect] Using Cellular (u-blox) [EasyConnect] Connecting to Cellular [EasyConnect] Connected to Network successfully [EasyConnect] ERROR - No IP address
If I try with the standard interface and change the BAUD setting I get: ( UbloxATCellularInterfaceExt cellular(MDMTXD, MDMRXD, MBED_CONF_UBLOX_CELL_N2XX_BAUD_RATE, true); )
HelloMQTT: version is 0.60 [EasyConnect] IPv4 mode [EasyConnect] Using Cellular (u-blox) [EasyConnect] Connecting to Cellular AT> AT AT? OK%n AT(Timeout) AT> AT AT? OK%n AT< AT< REBOOT_CAUSE_SECURITY_RESET_UNKNOWN AT< u-blox AT= OK AT> AT+IPR=9600 AT? OK%n AT< AT! ERROR AT(Aborted) AT> ATE0;+CMEE=2 AT? OK%n AT< AT! ERROR AT(Aborted) [EasyConnect] Connection to Network Failed -3012!
Any help is appreciated! Also confirmation / log from anyone that got it working on a N211 board would be great!
Hello Agdir AS,
Did you solve this issue? I am having the exact same problem. Some information on how to proceed could be really good.
posted by Alex V. Bofill 18 Jan 2019