6 years, 6 months ago.

Warning: Expression has no effect

Help please the beginner.

I'm trying to write a simple program:

If button1 and button_2 are pressed, then LED_3 lights up./media/uploads/pvo317/main.cpp

If button3 and button_2 are pressed, then LED_1 lights up.

what's wrong? The compiler produces "Warning: Expression has no effect "READ_KEY" "Warning: Expression has no effect "TEST_KEY_A" "Warning: Expression has no effect "TEST_KEY_B"

BLIM_TEST - working.

1 Answer

6 years, 6 months ago.

Don't you need parenthesis?

"TEST_KEY_A();" instead of "TEST_KEY_A;"?

Accepted Answer

Thank you so much! I'll be more careful. Sincerely.

posted by Павел Орьев 06 Jul 2018