6 years, 6 months ago.

How to connect LPC1768 with AWS IOT using MQTT ??


I want to connect my LPC1768 Board with AWS IOT using MQTT Protocol and I am using AWS Shadow Service to Update data on AWS. So How can I do that ? If any sample code available please share with me.

Thanks, Dinesh

1 Answer

6 years, 6 months ago.

Hi dinesh,

I did similar thing on K64F. Here's my note. https://os.mbed.com/users/coisme/notebook/aws-iot-from-mbed-os-device/

Accepted Answer

Can you let me know what additional things required for LPC1768. ? Can I use Same project for LPC ? Thanks Dinesh

posted by dinesh thanth 25 Jun 2018

Hello @Osamu Koizumi I got following Error :

Error: Undefined symbol mbedtls_ctr_drbg_free (referred from /build/TLSSocket/TLSSocket.LPC1768.o). Error: Undefined symbol mbedtls_ctr_drbg_init (referred from /build/TLSSocket/TLSSocket.LPC1768.o). Error: Undefined symbol mbedtls_ctr_drbg_random (referred from /build/TLSSocket/TLSSocket.LPC1768.o). Error: Undefined symbol mbedtls_ctr_drbg_seed (referred from /build/TLSSocket/TLSSocket.LPC1768.o). Error: Undefined symbol mbedtls_entropy_free (referred from /build/TLSSocket/TLSSocket.LPC1768.o). Error: Undefined symbol mbedtls_entropy_func (referred from /build/TLSSocket/TLSSocket.LPC1768.o). Error: Undefined symbol mbedtls_entropy_init (referred from /build/TLSSocket/TLSSocket.LPC1768.o). Error: Undefined symbol mbedtls_ssl_conf_authmode (referred from /build/TLSSocket/TLSSocket.LPC1768.o). Error: Undefined symbol mbedtls_ssl_set_hostname (referred from /build/TLSSocket/TLSSocket.LPC1768.o).

posted by dinesh thanth 25 Jun 2018

I changed main.cpp as follows: LED_RED -> LED1, LED_GREEN -> LED2, LED_BLUE -> LED3, and BUTTON1 -> p20.

In addition, added to mbed_app.json in target_overrides section: "LPC1768": { "target.macros_add": ["MBEDTLS_TEST_NULL_ENTROPY", "MBEDTLS_NO_DEFAULT_ENTROPY_SOURCES"] },

Then, compilation passed.

I think you need to add network connectivity and a button component to your LPC1768 to run this program.

posted by Osamu Koizumi 25 Jun 2018

Hello Osamu Koizumi,

If I export this project for GNU-MAKE-GCC compiler and when compiled it gives error. It is compiled in online compiler but not in offline GNU-MAKE-GCC.

Thanks, Dinesh

posted by dinesh thanth 30 Jun 2018

Assigned to dinesh thanth 6 years, 5 months ago.

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