6 years, 9 months ago.

Fail to flash program into KW41Z

Hi, I try to flash the helloworld.bin and example-blinky.bin files into the KW41Z board using the standard way, i.e., drag and drop the bin files into the FRDW-KW41Z drive shown in the computer, however, every time when it finishes transmitting, there is a FAIL.txt shown in the drive saying that "The interface firmware FAILED to reset/halt the target MCU". I make sure the bootloader and DAP application are up to date, i.e. version 0241 as specified here https://www.nxp.com/support/developer-resources/run-time-software/kinetis-developer-resources/ides-for-kinetis-mcus/opensda-serial-and-debug-adapter:OPENSDA?&tid=vanOpenSDA#FRDM-KW41Z.

Can anyone give me any suggestions? Many thanks.

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The FRDM-KW41Z is a low cost development platform for Kinetis® KW41Z, KW31Z, and KW21Z MCUs.
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