6 years, 9 months ago.

warning The mbed tools were not found in ..

I recently updated mbed-cli and it shows me the message "warning The mbed tools were not found in .." in the command line, and it does not let me execute any command (nor mbed compile, nor mbed target, nor anything of it) and when I apply a mbed deploy it shows me the following

$ mbed deploy

[mbed] Updating library "Workspace/mbed_blinky" to rev #7c9e1ce926ec (tag: tip)

[mbed] Updating library "Workspace/mbed_blinky/mbed" to rev #aa5281ff4a02

[mbed] Updating library "Workspace/mbed_blinky/mbed/mbed-os" to rev #2104d8ab5b6b

[mbed] WARNING: Cannot find the mbed tools directory in " ...."

mbed detect

[mbed] WARNING: The mbed tools were not found in " ..".

[mbed] WARNING: Limited information will be shown about connected mbed targets/boards

$ mbed compile

[mbed] ERROR: The mbed tools were not found in "../mbed-cli".

[mbed] ERROR: Run `mbed deploy` to install dependencies and tools.

and when I was working with the previous version I did not have this problem, and searching on internet i found that this problem can solve using mbed deploy, but i did and this no work, so i don't know if this is a bug in the new version.

I had this issue, and it was because my parent directory contained a (hidden) '.mbed'-file.

Deleting this file solved the issue.

posted by Jonathan Vervaeke 12 Sep 2018

Same... how on earth did you find this issue out??

posted by Daniel Beckett 13 Apr 2019

2 Answers

6 years, 9 months ago.

Hi Carlos,

Try making sure that you have the mbed-os library within your mbed_blinky program directory. You can check this by running the following commands:

  • mbed add mbed-os
  • If the above command doesn't work try, mbed remove mbed-os then mbed add mbed-os
  • Then try mbed deploy again

Also make sure you are running these commands in the root directory of your program.

Please let me know if you have any questions!

- Jenny, team Mbed

Accepted Answer

It's funny, but when you add mbed add mbed-os in the working directory (Workspace/mbed-blink), the problem was still present, but when you add (/mbed-cli) it worked and the problem was corrected

Thanks a lot

posted by Carlos Enrique Moran Garabito 15 May 2018
6 years, 9 months ago.

Hi Carlos,

In addition - after installing Mbed CLI you will need to configure it for the tools you want to use as described here:


By deafult the installer includes GCC which on a Windows install you'll find under "Program Files (x86)\GNU Tools ARM Embedded\6 2017-q2-update".

So this command should fix the problem:

mbed config -G GCC_ARM_PATH "C:\Program Files (x86)\GNU Tools ARM Embedded\6 2017-q2-update\bin"

You can also globally set the target you are working with, for instance:

mbed config -m k64f

You can then confirm the configuration with:

  mbed config --list

And test it with:

  mbed compile

If you still have problems, please check that you have GCC installed. The CLI installer lets you opt out of installing it if you do a custom installation.

If you still have problems - how did you perform the CLI update and has anything else changed on your host platform? What host platform are you working with and what compiler are you trying to use?

-Ralph, Team Mbed

Well, i use a Linux and i follow the https://os.mbed.com/docs/v5.8/tools/configuring-mbed-cli.html, and i put mbed manually, so, i didn't use the pip to install, Nevertheless i use git to install and the configuration for me is:

ARM_PATH=/home/garabo/App.Micros/toolchain/gcc-arm-none-eabi-7-2017-q4-major/bin/ GCC_ARM_PATH=/home/garabo/App.Micros/toolchain/gcc-arm-none-eabi-7-2017-q4-major/bin/ TOOLCHAIN=GCC_ARM

[mbed] Local config (/home/garabo/App.Micros/OS.Embebidos/mbed/mbed-cli): TOOLCHAIN=GCC_ARM TARGET=K64F

and i make .mbed


this configuration works when i use the last version, and with update, the problem still

posted by Carlos Enrique Moran Garabito 15 May 2018

Thanks Ralph Fulchiero but when i put "mbed add mbed-os" on the root of mbed-cli, the problem solve, but now i have a new problem, the shell show this when i make a mbed compile

ERROR: "/usr/bin/python" returned error code 1. [mbed] ERROR: Command "/usr/bin/python -u /home/garabo/App.Micros/OS.Embebidos/mbed/mbed-cli/mbed-os/tools/make.py -t GCC_ARM -m K64F source ../.. build ../../BUILD/K64F/GCC_ARM" in "/home/garabo/App.Micros/OS.Embebidos/mbed/mbed-cli/Workspace/mbed_blinky"

i have python 2.7, is this a problem for python 2.7?


posted by Carlos Enrique Moran Garabito 15 May 2018

Your ARM_PATH is incorrect (as it is pointing to your GCC tools) and it shouldn't be defined if you don't have the Arm Compiler. However as you are building with GCC that isn't the problem. Mbed CLI is tested with Python 2.7.11. What version do you have?

posted by Ralph Fulchiero 16 May 2018

i have the Python 2.7.14 (default, Sep 20 2017, 01:25:59) and [GCC 7.2.0] on linux

posted by Carlos Enrique Moran Garabito 29 May 2018