6 years, 3 months ago.

How to convert arduino code to mbed online compiler using nRF51822 ?

Hello world. I wanna ask about how to convert arduino code possible for mbed compiler for arduino. first of all, I have tried to use this guy program https://github.com/jruben84/knn_programs.. this is my code

include the mbed library with this snippet

#include "mbed.h"
#include "dataset.h"
#include "funcionesKNN.h"
#include <string>
Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
#define FI 100 // filas de la base de datos
#define CO 4   // numero de caracteristicas

// variables 
/*char* clasesSt[3]; // strings con las clases
char* nomAtr[CO]; // strings con los nombres de atributos
double atributos[FI][CO]; // atributos
int clasesNo[FI]; // clases
double dato[CO]; // dato a clasificar
long actual = 0, previo = 0;

// Extrae caracteres dados los identificadores y los convierte a double
void extraeDatos(string str, double dato[], char dlm[]){
  string auxstr = "";
  int posdlm[5], tamstr = 0;
  int i= 0, j = 0;
  // buscar caracteres de identificacion
  posdlm[0] = str.indexOf(dlm[0]); // (
  posdlm[1] = str.indexOf(dlm[1]); // ,
  posdlm[2] = str.indexOf(dlm[1], posdlm[1] + 1); // ,
  posdlm[3] = str.indexOf(dlm[1], posdlm[2] + 1); // ,
  posdlm[4] = str.indexOf(dlm[2]); // )
  for(j=0; j<CO; j++){
    // extraer datos numericos
    for(i=posdlm[j]+1; i<posdlm[j+1]; i++){
      auxstr = auxstr + str[i];  

    //convertir a double
    int y = auxstr.length();
    char buf[y+1];
    auxstr.toCharArray(buf, y+1);
    dato[j] = atof(buf);
    auxstr=""; // reset del auxiliar

// Impresion de confirmacion
void imprime(double dato[], int clase){
  pc.printf("%i",(int16_t)nomAtr[0]); pc.printf(": "); pc.printf("%i",(int16_t)dato[0],3); pc.printf(" cms\n");
  pc.printf("%i",(int16_t)nomAtr[1]); pc.printf(": "); pc.printf("%i",(int16_t)dato[1],3); pc.printf(" cms\n");
  pc.printf("%i",(int16_t)nomAtr[2]); pc.printf(": "); pc.printf("%i",(int16_t)dato[2],3); pc.printf(" cms\n");
  pc.printf("%i",(int16_t)nomAtr[3]); pc.printf(": "); pc.printf("%i",(int16_t)dato[3],3); pc.printf(" cms\b");
  pc.printf(" >> Clase: "); pc.printf("%i\n",(int16_t)clasesSt[clase]);

// Configuracion del microcontrolador
int main() 
  pc.printf("===            KKN Classification           ===\n");
// Programa principal
        // recibir los datos a clasificar
            // recibir una cadena hasta que se tenga el '\n'
            string str = Serial.readStringUntil('\n');  
            extraeDatos(str, dato, "{,}");
            // tic
            previo = millis();    
            // encontrar la clase, con 5 vecinos cercanos
            int cl = clasificaKNN((double**)atributos, clasesNo, dato, 11, FI, CO);

            // tac
            actual = millis();
            // imprimir
            imprime(dato, cl);
            pc.printf("Tiempo: "); pc.printf("%i\n",(int16_t)actual-previo); pc.printf(" mS\n");

but there are several error shows like this one..


Error: Class "std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>>" has no member "indexOf" in "main.cpp", Line: 28, Col: 20

Error: Class "std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>>" has no member "indexOf" in "main.cpp", Line: 29, Col: 20

Error: Class "std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>>" has no member "indexOf" in "main.cpp", Line: 30, Col: 20

Error: Class "std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>>" has no member "indexOf" in "main.cpp", Line: 31, Col: 20

Error: Class "std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>>" has no member "indexOf" in "main.cpp", Line: 32, Col: 20

Error: Class "std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>>" has no member "toCharArray" in "main.cpp", Line: 43, Col: 13

Warning: Variable "tamstr" was declared but never referenced in "main.cpp", Line: 24, Col: 19 Warning: Conversion from pointer to smaller integer in "main.cpp", Line: 57, Col: 19 Warning: Conversion from pointer to smaller integer in "main.cpp", Line: 58, Col: 19 Warning: Conversion from pointer to smaller integer in "main.cpp", Line: 59, Col: 19 Warning: Conversion from pointer to smaller integer in "main.cpp", Line: 60, Col: 19 Warning: Conversion from pointer to smaller integer in "main.cpp", Line: 61, Col: 47

Error: Expected a declarator in condition declaration in "main.cpp", Line: 84, Col: 19 Error: Type name is not allowed in "main.cpp", Line: 88, Col: 27 Error: Identifier "millis" is undefined in "main.cpp", Line: 92, Col: 23


and also from this library funcionesKNN.cpp, there was error too that show like this after I have change my code

include the mbed library with this snippet

//#include <HardwareSerial.h> // solo para Debug

funciones para el computo del algoritmo KNN
//#include "dataset.h"
#include "funcionesKNN.h"
#include <math.h>

calculo de distancia euclidiana entre dos puntos
double distanciaEuclidiana(double pt1[], double pt2[], int co){  
  int i;
  double suma = 0;
  for(i=0; i<co; i++){
    suma = pow(pt1[i] - pt2[i], 2) + suma;
  return sqrt(suma);

calculo de distancia euclidiana entre un punto y la base de datos
void todasDistEuclid(double pt1[], double aux[], double** atributos, int fi, int co){
  int i = 0, j = 0;
  double pt2[co];
  // falta esto
  for(i = 0; i<fi; i++){
    // extraer un punto de la base de datos
    for(j=0; j<co; j++){
      pt2[j] = atributos[i][j];       
    aux[i] = distanciaEuclidiana(pt1, pt2, co);

Ordenamiento de las distancias de menor a mayor
void ordena(double datos[], int clases[], int clasesNo[], int fi){
  int i =1, j = 1, f = 1, temp[2];
  //crear una copia de las clases originales
  for(i=0; i<fi; i++){
    clases[i] = clasesNo[i];  
  // ordenar
  for(i=1; (i<=fi)&&f; i++){
    f = 0;
    for(j=0; j<(fi-1); j++){
      if(datos[j+1] < datos[j]){ // orden descendente >, ascendente <
        temp[0] = datos[j];    temp[1] = clases[j];
        datos[j] = datos[j+1]; clases[j] = clases[j+1]; 
        datos[j+1] = temp[0];  clases[j+1] = temp[1];
        f = 1;

Extraer los N primeros
void extraeKPrimeros(double datos[], double kPrimeros[], int clases[], 
                     int kClases[], int k){
  for(int i=0; i<k; i++){
    kPrimeros[i] = datos[i];  
    kClases[i] = clases[i];

Calcula la clase mas frecuente: Moda
int claseMasFrecuente(int clases[], int k){
  int cont = 0, cont2 = 0, pos = 0, num = 0, i = 0;
  int frec[k], mayor = 0, posmayor = 0, aux[k];
  // inicializar el contador de frecuencias
  for(i=0; i<k; i++){
    frec[k] = 0;  

  // comprobar las repeticiones de cada numero
  for(cont=0; cont<k; cont++){
    num = clases[cont];
    pos = cont;
    for(cont2 = 0; cont2<k; cont2++){
      if(clases[cont2] == num){
  mayor =aux[0];
  posmayor = 0;
  for(cont=0; cont<k; cont++){
    if(aux[cont] > mayor){
      posmayor = cont;
      mayor = aux[cont];
  return clases[posmayor];

Calcula la clase de un conjunto de atributos usando KNN
int clasificaKNN(double** datos, int clasesNum[], double dato[], int k, int fi, int co){
  double distancias[fi], kPrimeros[k];
  int clases[fi];
  int kClases[k];
  todasDistEuclid(dato, distancias, datos, fi, co); 
  ordena(distancias, clases, clasesNum, fi); 
  extraeKPrimeros(distancias, kPrimeros, clases, kClases, k); 
  // calculo de la moda
  int cont = 0, cont2 = 0, pos = 0, num = 0, i = 0;
  int frec[k], mayor = 0, posmayor = 0, aux[k];
  // inicializar el contador de frecuencias
  for(i=0; i<k; i++){
    frec[k] = 0;  
  // comprobar las repeticiones de cada numero
  for(cont=0; cont<k; cont++){
    num = clases[cont];
    pos = cont;
    for(cont2 = 0; cont2<k; cont2++){
      if(clases[cont2] == num){
  mayor =aux[0];
  posmayor = 0;
  for(cont=0; cont<k; cont++){
    if(aux[cont] > mayor){
      posmayor = cont;
      mayor = aux[cont];
  return clases[posmayor];

and error message show like this one..


Error: Class "std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>>" has no member "indexOf" in "main.cpp", Line: 28, Col: 20

Error: Class "std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>>" has no member "indexOf" in "main.cpp", Line: 29, Col: 20

Error: Class "std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>>" has no member "indexOf" in "main.cpp", Line: 30, Col: 20

Error: Class "std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>>" has no member "indexOf" in "main.cpp", Line: 31, Col: 20

Error: Class "std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>>" has no member "indexOf" in "main.cpp", Line: 32, Col: 20

Error: Class "std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>>" has no member "toCharArray" in "main.cpp", Line: 43, Col: 13

Warning: Variable "tamstr" was declared but never referenced in "main.cpp", Line: 24, Col: 19 Warning: Conversion from pointer to smaller integer in "main.cpp", Line: 57, Col: 19 Warning: Conversion from pointer to smaller integer in "main.cpp", Line: 58, Col: 19 Warning: Conversion from pointer to smaller integer in "main.cpp", Line: 59, Col: 19 Warning: Conversion from pointer to smaller integer in "main.cpp", Line: 60, Col: 19 Warning: Conversion from pointer to smaller integer in "main.cpp", Line: 61, Col: 47

Error: Expected a declarator in condition declaration in "main.cpp", Line: 84, Col: 19 Error: Type name is not allowed in "main.cpp", Line: 88, Col: 27 Error: Identifier "millis" is undefined in "main.cpp", Line: 92, Col: 23


here's my full code from mbed online compiler, KNN mbed please how to solve this problem.. please to help me soon..


Try to modify the main function as follows:


Serial  pc(USBTX, USBRX);
Timer   timer;


int main()
    printf("===         Clasificacion con KKN           ===\r\n");
        // recibir los datos a clasificar
            // recibir una cadena hasta que se tenga el '\n'
            //string str = Serial.readStringUntil('\n');  
            char buff[128];
            pc.gets(buff, 128);
            string str(buff);
            extraeDatos(str, dato, "{,}");
            // tic
            //previo = millis();    
            previo = timer.read_ms();
            // encontrar la clase, con 5 vecinos cercanos
            int cl = clasificaKNN((double**)atributos, clasesNo, dato, 11, FI, CO);
            // tac
            //actual = millis();
            actual = timer.read_ms();
            // imprimir
            imprime(dato, cl);
            //pc.printf("Tiempo: "); pc.printf("%i\n",(int16_t)actual-previo); pc.printf(" mS\n");
            pc.printf("Tiempo: %d mS\r\n", actual - previo);
posted by Zoltan Hudak 17 Apr 2018

1 Answer

6 years, 3 months ago.

Hello Rakha,

Try to modify the extraeDatos function as follows:

void extraeDatos(string& str, double dato[], char dlm[])
    string  auxstr = "";
    int     posdlm[5], tamstr = 0;
    int     i = 0, j = 0;

    // buscar caracteres de identificacion  / Identification of characters
    posdlm[0] = str.find(dlm[0], 0);             // (
    posdlm[1] = str.find(dlm[1], posdlm[0]);     // ,
    posdlm[2] = str.find(dlm[1], posdlm[1] + 1); // ,
    posdlm[3] = str.find(dlm[1], posdlm[2] + 1); // ,
    posdlm[4] = str.find(dlm[2], posdlm[3]);     // )
    for (j = 0; j < co; j++)
        // extraer datos numericos / Extract numerical data
        for (i = posdlm[j] + 1; i < posdlm[j + 1]; i++)
            auxstr = auxstr + str[i];

        //convertir a double / Convert to double
        //int     y = auxstr.length();
        //char    buf[y + 1];
        //auxstr.c_str(buf, y + 1);
        dato[j] = atof(auxstr.c_str());

        auxstr = "";                                // reset del auxiliar

Accepted Answer

thanks for answering.. how about this one sir.. there's several error message that code like this one..

code that error statement

        // recibir los datos a clasificar
            // recibir una cadena hasta que se tenga el '\n'
            string str = Serial.readStringUntil('\n');  
            extraeDatos(str, dato, "{,}");
            // tic
            previo = millis();    
            // encontrar la clase, con 5 vecinos cercanos
            int cl = clasificaKNN((double**)atributos, clasesNo, dato, 11, FI, CO);

            // tac
            actual = millis();
            // imprimir
            imprime(dato, cl);
            pc.printf("Tiempo: "); pc.printf("%i\n",(int16_t)actual-previo); pc.printf(" mS\n");

that shows error message like this one..


Error: Expected a declarator in condition declaration in "main.cpp", Line: 85, Col: 19

Error: Type name is not allowed in "main.cpp", Line: 89, Col: 27

Error: Identifier "millis" is undefined in "main.cpp", Line: 93, Col: 23


posted by rakha asyrofi 17 Apr 2018