6 years, 11 months ago.  This question has been closed. Reason: Unclear question

Remote Controlled Robotic Snake Servo

Hi, I'm trying to move the kondo4034 motor by using a remote control. The programme wont work (the part with the pulse width). I'm still a student so I might take a while to understand. Thanks.

  1. include "mbed.h"
  2. include "math.h"
  3. define PI 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582
  4. define amplitude 600
  5. define PeriodJoint 2
  6. define NoJoint 13
  7. define NoCycles 1.5
  8. define Resolution 0.01

DigitalOut myled1(LED1); DigitalOut myled2(LED2); PwmOut PWM(p26);

Serial motor1(p9,NC);p9 transmit, p10 receive Serial remote(p27,NC);p27 receive, p29 transmit

signed int MotorAngle; int MotorID; unsigned short int straightPosition[] = {7000};

unsigned short int currentposition, currentpositions; unsigned short int currentposition1[] = {0}; unsigned short int currentposition2[] = {0}; float Timing, kSpeed, kShape;

void motor_update(unsigned char Id, unsigned short int Position) { unsigned short int id,lo,hi; motor1.format(8,Serial::Even,1); motor1.baud(115200);

id=0x80|Id; hi=(Position>>7)&0x007F; lo=Position&0x007F;

motor1.putc(id); motor1.putc(hi); motor1.putc(lo);

wait(0.001); }

int main() { PWM.period(0.0142);

if(PWM.pulsewidth == 0.001) { MotorAngle = 3500; wait(0.5); } if(PWM.pulsewidth == 0.0015) { MotorAngle = 7500; wait(0.5); } if(PWM.pulsewidth == 0.002) { MotorAngle = 11500; wait(0.5); } }