6 years, 8 months ago.

HTML Website on Ublox C027


I have created a http server on my mbed u-blox c027 device using HTTPServer.h library and RPC lib. I am able to connect to server and send requests. However, I would like to create a simple HTML website and put it on my device.

I follow this tutorial: https://os.mbed.com/users/sammacjunkie/notebook/rpc-http-server/

When I drag compiled *.bin and *.html files (as it stands in tut) of my program and webiste, the program compiles fine and I can send rpc request through my browser. HTML file disappear and I cannot communicate with ublox through it.

Is it a problem of u-blox c027 that I cannot copy *.html. Is it somehow missing while *.bin file is compiled? No errors occurs, no fail.txt, html file is just not present on the device.

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