9 years, 7 months ago.

stdio retargeting?

I'm interested by C library retargeting (specifically stdio) and was happy to see it described here. However, I can't find src/common/stdio.cpp Is the documentation out-dated? If not, could you help with direct link?

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2 Answers

9 years, 7 months ago.

If you want to retarget stdio yourself, look at: https://developer.mbed.org/forum/mbed/topic/267/

Accepted Answer
9 years, 7 months ago.

It seems to have moved to common/retarget.cpp. You can see the file in the latest mbed release here: https://developer.mbed.org/users/mbed_official/code/mbed-src/file/6cdb58309977/common/retarget.cpp or on master on github: https://github.com/mbedmicro/mbed/blob/master/libraries/mbed/common/retarget.cpp