7 years ago.

MODSERIAL gives a "callback" is unidentified in resource INIT.ccp and doesn't compile

I'm using a LPC1768

my test code:

#include "mbed.h"   
#include "MODSERIAL.h"           
//Serial pc(p13, p14); // tx, rx
//Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);    // Terminal emulator
int main() {
    pc.printf("Hello World!\n");

error message Error: Identifier "callback" is undefined in "MODSERIAL/INIT.cpp", Line: 53, Col: 26

I added the 2017 MODSERIAL library

How do I get this to work?

Only just saw this one. I have not been able to reproduce it with most recent MODSERIAL + most recent mbed. Can you check that both are the most recent version (and for MODSERIAL it is my version and not another one)? And if it still does not work, can you publish a program which fails to compile and share it with me?

posted by Erik - 25 Mar 2018

1 Answer

6 years, 11 months ago.

Getting the same error here... Using F401RE

Accepted Answer

Compiles now without errors (MODSERIAL build 44:a3b2bc8) and test with a terminal works.

posted by Mel Strachan 28 Mar 2018