9 years, 5 months ago.

CC3000 failing with K64F

I am using the CC3000 with K64F and this library. I've been able to get it working pretty easily but another problem is three CC3000 modules of mine are dead now. I'm not sure what's going wrong. Here are the pin mappings that I used:

    Pin name CC3000	SPI name	        Pin Name	        Pin on K64F
    Vcc (Vin)		- 	P5V_USB		                        J3 10
    GND	- 			GND						J2 14
    INT				SPI1_PCS0	PTD4		J6 04
    EN				I2C0_SDA	PTC9		J1 09
    CS				SPI0_PCS0	PTD0		J2 06
    MOSI			        SPI0_MOSI	PTD2		J2 08
    MISO			        SPI0_MISO	PTD3		J2 10
    SCK				SPI0_SCK	PTD1		J2 12

Is there something wrong with my connections? Again, the modules do work correctly for some time but then they stop working. Thanks in advance!

They jsut stopped working ?

posted by Martin Kojtal 04 May 2015

1 Answer

9 years, 4 months ago.

Do you have a CC3000 board which includes its own voltage regulator? Because I don't think the CC3000 itself can survive 5V supply.

We are using the adafruit board and I'm pretty sure this should have a voltage regulator: https://www.adafruit.com/products/1469

When I say that it stopped working I mean that it can't even complete wifi.init() successfully.

posted by Naren Vasanad 06 May 2015

Indeed, voltage regulator should be on board there. Then I wouldn't know why it breaks.

posted by Erik - 06 May 2015

Also, I was powering a neo pixel LED strip of length 300 without using an external power supply (not all of them were on at any time). Could this have caused a problem?

posted by Naren Vasanad 07 May 2015

Well the CC3000 + K64F is already quite low on a regular USB supply. (500mA). With LED strip added it would not be sufficient. So it depends a bit on what you used as supply. However too little voltage should not cause damage to the CC3000. Without sufficient decoupling on the LED strip you could possibly generate voltage spikes which could damage it. But it is questionable if that would be the cause.

posted by Erik - 07 May 2015