6 years, 5 months ago.

frequency change I2C on MAX32630


Never having an answer to my messages in "French", I send you the translation "google" hoping that you are more prompt to answer in your language.

On the MAX32630FTHR, I can not change the speed of the I2C bus. the function "i2c.frequency (100000);" has no effect while it works with the MAX 32625PICO. Thank you for your help.

thank you

1 Answer

6 years, 4 months ago.


I had seen same problem before.

For MAX32600FTHR to set the I2C frequency
to 100KHz, we must provide 0
and for 400KHz, we must provide 1

Although I don't like this implementation, this is the way it was written/provided.


Accepted Answer


Thank you for the info I just tried with a MAX32630FTHR and that works perfectly.

I regret, however, that in the documentation of the class, we find simply:    "void frequency (int hz) Set the frequency of the I2C interface       parameters             hz the bus frequency in hertz "

Moreover with a MAX32625PICO one uses well the form "frequency (100000)" for 100khz ????

I hope that the translation "google" will be effective because at my age (70 spring), my memory does not allow me to put myself in English. Thanks to the translator who allows me however to study the documents of the components and other microcontrollers of which I try to follow the evolution.

Thank you again for your help.

posted by REGIS ARNAUD 20 Feb 2018