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6 years, 10 months ago.
What is wrong with STRUCT TM and GMTIME ?
very strange things are introduced in a struct tm structure when using gmtime() function. I am using mbed online and nucleo F401RE board
int Calendar::findNextDelay(time_t * absoluteTime) { printf("\nin findNextDelay, Time as a basic string = %s", ctime(absoluteTime)); #define MST (-7) #define UTC (0) #define CCT (+8) time_t rawtime; struct tm * ptm; rawtime = *absoluteTime; ptm = gmtime ( &rawtime ); puts ("Current time around the World:"); printf ("Phoenix, AZ (U.S.) : %d:%d\n", (ptm->tm_hour+MST)%24, ptm->tm_min); printf ("Reykjavik (Iceland) : %d:%d\n", (ptm->tm_hour+UTC)%24, ptm->tm_min); printf ("Beijing (China) : %d:%d\n", (ptm->tm_hour+CCT)%24, ptm->tm_min);
the results are:
in findNextDelay, Time as a basic string = Sun Jan 28 22:09:09 2018 Current time around the World: Phoenix, AZ (U.S.) : 14:134218165 Reykjavik (Iceland) : 21:134218165 Beijing (China) : 5:134218165
After different attempts, I cannot have real minutes or seconds in this structure, even if ctime seems to work well...
Thank you for any help !
1 Answer
6 years, 10 months ago.
I tried your program on my FRDM-KL25Z, and minutes were also strange,
different value from yours but always the same wrong value as yours.
Then I ported your program on to my Cygwin, and it worked OK.
So I suspect that this is a bug of gmtime().
For the time being, may be we can survive by writing...
int Calendar::findNextDelay(time_t * absoluteTime) { printf("\nin findNextDelay, Time as a basic string = %s", ctime(absoluteTime)); time_t seconds = *absoluteTime % 60 ; time_t minutes = *absoluteTime / 60 ; time_t hours = minutes / 60 ; time_t days = hours / 24 ; minutes -= hours * 60 ; hours -= days * 24 ; puts ("Current time around the World:"); printf ("Phoenix, AZ (U.S.) : %02d:%02d\n", (hours+MST+24)%24, minutes); printf ("Reykjavik (Iceland) : %02d:%02d\n", (hours+UTC+24)%24, minutes); printf ("Beijing (China) : %02d:%02d\n", (hours+CCT+24)%24, minutes); }
It's << and >> for formatting :)
posted by Sam Grove 29 Jan 2018