6 years, 9 months ago.

Nucleo F401RE

Hi everyone, I'm new here. I would like to share my project idea with you and ask some suggestions.

I want to send to the board a char trough a Bluetooth module and subquentially to reproduce an audio sound, for example "dog" and than the board to say "bark bark".

Is it possible? Can I chose with the code which sound i want to reproduce?

Thanks for your help!

PS i think that this module is what I am looking for https://m.ebay.it/itm/Modulo-lettore-MP3-WTV020-pic-arduino-shield-audio-musica-suono-ART-CL07-/231336898424?_mwBanner=1

1 Answer

6 years, 9 months ago.

Hi Francesca, take a look at the example here: https://github.com/sarahmarshy/mbedVoice

That example allows you to send a voice command to your mbed board via Bluetooth, you would have to modify the code to allow sending a string "dog" and then playing the sound for "bark bark" from your sound module.

- Jenny, team Mbed