9 years, 7 months ago.

what is i2c? how does word in kl25z?, que es I2c?, como funciona en el kl25z?

hola, tengo que exponer acerca de este tema para la plataforma kl25z, pero no se nada de I2C, ¿saben como funciona?, si tienen algun ejemplo claro acerca de esto en la plataforma kl25z, me serviria de mucho, o si tienen alguna url de donde pueda informarme mejor


hello, I have to explain about this topic for kl25z platform, but nothing is I2C, you know how it works ?, if they have some clear example about this in the kl25z platform would serve me much, or have any url where can inform better


1 Answer

9 years, 7 months ago.

Hi, I2C is Inter-Integrated Circuit.



For FRDM-KL25Z, it has an I2C accelerometer, MMA8451Q.
So please check I2C class in mbed library,
as well as check sample programs to see how they are supposed to be used.


one of my sample(s) is

