6 years, 8 months ago.

web based compiler errors when attempting to compile Blinky for Realtek RTL8195AM

I am trying the "hello world" blinky example and it does not compile.

Here is a screenshot :


Warning: Enumeration value is out of "int" range in "extras/mbed-os.lib/targets/TARGET_Realtek/TARGET_AMEBA/TARGET_RTL8195A/PinNames.h", Line: 217, Col: 11 Warning: Enumeration value is out of "int" range in "extras/mbed-os.lib/targets/TARGET_Realtek/TARGET_AMEBA/sdk/soc/realtek/8195a/fwlib/hal_i2c.h", Line: 329, Col: 34 Warning: A value of type "const signed char *" cannot be assigned to an entity of type "const char *" in "extras/mbed-os.lib/targets/TARGET_Realtek/TARGET_AMEBA/sdk/os/rtx2/rtx2_service.c", Line: 906, Col: 18 Warning: Enumerated type mixed with another type in "extras/mbed-os.lib/targets/TARGET_Realtek/TARGET_AMEBA/sdk/os/rtx2/rtx2_service.c", Line: 1004, Col: 33 Warning: Enumerated type mixed with another type in "extras/mbed-os.lib/targets/TARGET_Realtek/TARGET_AMEBA/sdk/os/rtx2/rtx2_service.c", Line: 1005, Col: 35 Error: "/extras/mbed-os.lib/targets/TARGET_Realtek/TARGET_AMEBA/TARGET_RTL8195A/device/TOOLCHAIN_ARM_STD/rtl8195a.sct", line 16 (column 22): Error: L6236E: No section matches selector - no section to be FIRST/LAST. Error: Not enough information to list the image map. Info: Unable to download. Fix the reported errors...

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