7 years, 1 month ago.

spi pins of stm32l476vg

Hi, I am newbie to the stm32l476vg. I studied documents it have three spi's could please help which one i have to use in the code? in block diagram it shows total pins of PA_X,PB_X,PC_X,PE_X...but in board it shows only some pins what about remaining pins? please help me Thanks in Advance

Regards, Gupta

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The 32L476GDISCOVERY helps users to develop and share applications with the STM32L4 ultra-low-power microcontrollers.

1 Answer

7 years, 1 month ago.


You are correct in that there are 3 available SPI pin-sets on the DISCO-L476VG.

If you are just concerned with using one of the SPI buses, I would recommend using the default SPI bus broken out to the following pins:

  • PE_12 - SPI_NSS
  • PE_13 - SPI_CLK
  • PE_14 - SPI_MISO
  • PE_15 - SPI_MOSI

Those pins can be found on the DISCO-L476VG page on the bottom right of the image.

Additional SPI pins(if for some reason you aren't using the default SPI bus) can be found by looking at the PeripheralPins.c file.