7 years, 1 month ago.

There is some problem with serial communication [pinmap not found peripheral]

We used UBLOX-EVK-ODIN-W2 board and Adafruit Ultimate GPSv3 module.

And we also find example source https://os.mbed.com/users/8fromPi/code/GPS_HelloWorld/

We try this example to our project with using below pin map information(used UART1) /media/uploads/gosangosango/question_pinmap.png

So we make code like this /media/uploads/gosangosango/question_pin_declear.png

But there is error 'pinmap not found peripheral'

We tried "gpsAda(D8, D2 , 9600);" also but same result

Can somebody solve this problem?

Question relating to:

The Arm Mbed engineering support team page for Seoul IoT Hackathon (http://www.seoulhackathon.org/).

Note, 'pinmap not found peripheral' is an error indicating that the pins you're using are not available for the peripheral you want to use (e.g. UART RX). Often for UART this is due to the order, e.g. PA_10, PA_9 would work here, switched the TX and RX pins.

posted by Jan Jongboom 13 Nov 2017

1 Answer

7 years, 1 month ago.


The library you linked to is from 2013, try updating the mbed library to a newer version. The Ublox Odin board is much newer than that old library, so it was not released at the time of the old library. Update the mbed library to use the odin board.


Accepted Answer